2009 Minutes

January 12, 2009,  6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, and Rick Wheeler.

The pump station located at the Dave Reynolds subdivision was discussed. We feel that we should be paying the electric bill since we are to maintain it. Rick Wheeler is to see Reynolds to inform him, and if we do this we should have deed to the property.

All invoices were read and approved upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Ron Repp. Passed.

Past due invoices were discussed. CT Steele brought an update on liens that have been filed.

Gary Jackson presented an update on our finances with a current financial statement.

Ron Repp felt that Pat Jackson and Pat Steele should be raised to $350 per month. They were not raised last year. This passed upon by Ron Repp and second by Bob Schindler.

February 9, 2009,  6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, David Lewis, and Rick Wheeler.

All invoices were read and approved upon motion by Bob Schindler, and second by Gary Jackson.

Dave Lewis, our attorney, was present and many accounts were discussed that are delinquent. Also other accounts were discussed that we have liens against property and suits in small claims court.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly income statement and balance sheet for the month of January 2009.

FDIC insurance on our deposits with the New Washington State Bank were discussed. The amount insured now is $250,000. Since we are at that figure or above Steele was asked to check with the bank to see if that was per account or total amount for the company.

There being no further business we adjourned.

March 9, 2009 6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, David Lewis, and Rick Wheeler.

Several delinquent accounts were discussed with our attorney, Dave Lewis. He is to either send letters or file liens against others.

We discussed the possibility of disconnecting customer over six (6) months delinquent. We would first have to advise the County health Department.  Dave Lewis is looking into this and perhaps come up with an ordinance.

Discussion to apply the next Certificate of Deposit coming due to our debt. This passed upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Ron Repp.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statement.

Rick Wheeler is to see the county road department about grading our drive way and putting down new rock.

April 13, 2009,  6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, and Rick Wheeler.

David Reynolds is working on getting the sewer corp. A quick claim deed title on the subdivision treatment plant off Kettlebottom Road. This is owned by Deer Run Development LLC.

CT Steele explained he had an audit on our insurance and by getting general liability statements from all our vendors we were able to get a refund of premium of $466.

Discussed with Rick Wheeler the need for a new mower. He is to get prices.

May 11, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, David Lewis, and Rick Wheeler.

The status of certain past due accounts were discussed with David Lewis, atty., as respect to liens and current status. A question as to the status of our account with hoopsters.

A renter’s agreement (copy attached) was approved by the board, motion by Bob Schindler, second by Gary Jackson. Passed. This agreement will give us better control over past due account balances that involve landlord-tenant situations. This agreement will be signed at the water company at the same time that the Water Company’s renter’s agreement is signed.

The purchase of a new mower was discussed. Rick presented certain quotes of $6,000 to $10,000. We decided to obtain a couple other quotes and make a decision at our June meeting.

It appears that the aerators are performing well and the lagoons appear cleaner, etc.

The financial statements were reviewed as well as the check register. Nothing unusual was noted. We need to continue to review to pay down the debt each time a Certificate of Deposit matures.

Meeting adjourned.

June 8, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler, Troy Powell, and Rick Wheeler.

We have needed to discuss the purchase of a new mower for several months. Rick Wheeler was to get bids. This date he presented bids from Jacobi Sales. $11,200.-Louisville Tractor $11,885.04 and Rays Lawn and Garden $12,227. Upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Ron Repp it was voted to purchase the low bid from Jacobi.

Rick has been checking the aerators and it appears that they are working properly and doing what we expected.

Troy Powell, a local businessman, was appointed to the Board by Ronald Ross, Township Trustee.

All invoices were read and upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Troy Powell. Passed.

Meeting adjourned.

July 13, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, and Rick Wheeler.

Past due accounts were discussed. More to be turned over to Dave Lewis, atty., in the case of Tim Clapp. We may have to contact the health department and make arrangements to cut off his sewer line.

Discussed a water adjustment policy, but since we already have in place only allowing adjustments on bad leaks or pool fills and using the water company yearly average, we felt a new policy would not be necessary.

Discussed our current financial statement.

All invoices were read and approved upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Gary Jackson. Passed

Meeting adjourned.

August, 2009,  6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, Troy Powell, and Rick Wheeler

11 invoices were read and approved upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Gary Jackson. Passed.

We had a Certtificate of Deposit that has matured. We voted to cash in and apply to debt with Farmers Home or the USDA upon motion by Gary Jackson and second by Bob Schindler. Passed.

Discussed several past due accounts. CT is turning more over to attorney.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statement and it was discussed.

Meeting adjourned.

September, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, and Rick Wheeler.

All invoices were read and approved upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Ron Repp.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financial statement and it was discussed.

IDEM inspected the lagoons and found all was well. He did however, discover that Rick’s license had expired. Rick has sent them in for renewal but somehow there was a mix up, but has now been corrected.

Rick says that all the lift stations are operating fine.

The board agreed to allow Rick to attend 2 seminars if he wanted to.

The board also agreed to allow Rick to purchase an air compressor. Motion by Bob Schindler and second by Ron Repp.

Meeting adjourned.

October, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, and Troy Powell

Our attorney, david Lewis was not present.

All invoices were read and approved upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Gary Jackson. This included transferring $20,000 from checking account to debt service account.

Financials were presented by Gary Jackson and discussed.

Meeting adjourned.

November, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Those present: Carroll Steele, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, and Troy Powell,

All invoices were read and approved upon motion by Bob Schindler and second by Gary Jackson.

Gary Jackson presented the monthly financials. They were discussed.

CT reported that our balance on our loan with USDA is $149,000 and the next payment due is 1/1/10 for $22,100.

Delinquent accounts were discussed, CT reported that David Lewis could not attend tonight as he was called late in the day to appear before the Clark County Council. However, CT spoke to his secretary  and she has several accounts ready for either letters, small claims court, or lien against property.

Gary brought up that Dave Lewis has not prepared current contracts for contract employees nor conflict of interest agreements for Gary and CT. CT is to contact Dave Lewis, atty.

Meeting adjourned.

December, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Those present:  Carroll Steele, Ronald Repp, Robert Schindler and Gary Jackson, Troy Powell, David Lewis, Rick Wheeler, Michael Meyer (Strand) and Tony Akler (Strand).

All invoices were read and approved upon motion by Ron Repp and second by Gary Jackson.

Gary Jackson gave an update on the financials, there were discussed.

Mike Meyer and Tony Akler from Strand were there to inform us of grants now available for various projects pertaining to sewer systems.

We are to come up with some items that we would like to do and get back to them for aid in getting this grant. One item that state will probably want us to do when our permit comes up for renewal is to put in a tertiary discharge sanitizing system.  There was much discussion on these matters.

David Lewis, Attorney, said he is working on more of our collection problems. He is also working on an ordinance and is preparing updated contracts for contract labor and updated Conflict of Interest agreements for Gary and CT.

Meeting adjourned.