1997 Meeting Minutes

January 21, 1997 6:30 PM

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey, Edward Arthur, Gary Jackson and Mike Meyer.

Mike Meyer from Sieco was present. He discussed with us the Clark Co. Plan for a regional sewage area. They are making a study to bring Otisco, Marysville, Hibernia and Nabb into our system. This would be at cost to the Co. Commissioners and not WTRSD. They would be doing this strictly from Grant money, with no debt. This is only in the study stage and he will get back with us later.

Discussed past due accounts-Gary is to compile a list and get to Roger Lindsey, Atty. For action.

Gary Jackson presented our 1997 Budget. It was discussed and passed by the board upon motion by Ed Arthur and second by C.T. Steele.

Copy is attached.

February 19, 1997 6:30 PM

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Gary Jackson, Ron Repp, Homer Dixon and Edward Arthur.

Approved Bond on Treasurer as required by the State Board of Accounts.

Annual cost of $500.00

Homer Dixon informed us that he was giving us notice effective June 1, 1997. He would no longer be able to work. He is moving our of the area.

We then went into discussion of various options for Homer’s replacement. It was decided to place an ad in the local newspaper to get similar part time help like Homer.

Ron Repp has also been in touch with various companies:

Bill Reynold Co.

EV Management


All are interested in submitting bids.

Ron Repp will get all information and this was tabled until our March meeting for further discussion and decision.

We don not have a sign to the entrance to the plant. After Discussion it was decided to install one. This upon motion by Ed Arthur and second by Gary Jackson. It was passed.

Ronald Ross Township Trustee must appoint or reappoint 2 members. Steve Felloes and C.T. Steele are up.

We need Roger Lindsey, Attorney, to prepare contracts for Patty Jackson, Pat Steele and Homer Dixon.

Past due accounts were discussed. Gary Jackson has sent letters and some have responded.

March 18, 1997  6:30 PM

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey, Ron Repp and Gary Jackson.

Discussed the Randy Burton account and he has not paid since he has owned the property. He ignored our last letter. Roger Lindsey, Attorney, will proceed with other action. We were also informed by the Water Co. that he is 6 months behind with them as well.

Discussed Ron Repp easement on the Faye Stout property and he says he is not ready to pursue, tabled.

Discussed a rate increase and our attorney is looking into the steps to take.

All warrants were read, signed and approved.

Discussed our road back to plant and agreed we should see the County about grading and rock.

Contracts were signed by Gary Jackson and C.T. Steele as per State Board of Accounts request.

Decided we needed a new gate going into the lagoons. Will instruct Homer Dixon.

Discussed trying to work a deal with the Water Co. to cut water off if sewer bills are not paid. We must check to see if this is legal.

Discussed State Board of Account bill. Voted to pay.

April 15, 1997  6:30 PM

Those Present: Gary Jackson, Carroll Steele, Homer Dixon, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp, Rick Wheeler and Roger Lindsey.

All bills were read and signed.

Talked with Rick Wheeler, who is interested in Homer Dixon job.  He took a tour of the plant. He will officially make application when the job is advertised.

Discussed some delinquent accounts with Roger Lindsey, attorney. One in particular is Randy Burton who has not paid since he has owned the house.

Discussed the need again for a rate increase. Attorney, Lindsey , agrees we should raise rates but recommends that we hire a rate consultant to study and make a recommendation. Ron Repp disagrees, since the fee for this study would probably cost more than our increase. This will be discussed again.

We need to find out if we have Director and Officers Liability Insurance.

Discussed Bill Taflinger tap.  He must disconnect the old house or pay a new tap fee.

May 20, 1997 6:30 PM

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur and Ron Repp.

Discussed the applications we had received for Homer Dixon replacement. After discussion it was decided that Rick Wheeler was our choice. He is in our area and is qualified. Upon motion by C.T. Steele and second by Ed Arthur, we hired Mr. Wheeler. A copy of his proposal is in file.

C.T. is to call Homer to meet with Wheeler to go over the plant stations and any thing else Rick may require.

Officers and Directors Insurance application was discussed.

Bond Premium was approved of $250.00.

IDEM report was discussed and also about the fee that is due will be paid.

June 17, 1997 6:30 PM

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Rick Wheeler and Edward Arthur.

As we did not have a quorum, we were unable to hold our June meeting.

July 15, 1997

No one was available to meet.

August 19, 1997 6:30 PM

Those Present: Ron Repp, Gary Jackson, Rick Wheeler Carroll Steele and Edward Arthur.

Discussed collections for past due accounts. A new list will be sent to Roger Lindsey, Attorney, for letters.

Discussed a rate increase again. This had been discussed at various other times. It was agreed that we should take a small one perhaps effective in Jan. 1998, rather than wait and take a large one later. Ron is to compile some figures and we will discuss in more detail at our Sept. meeting.

Discussed equipment and our need for repairs, etc. Rick Wheeler is to see about this.

Rick Wheeler gave a report on some of the equipment. Flow meter would cost approximately $7,000.00 to replace.

September 1997

There were not enough members available for this meeting.

October 14, 1997 6:30 PM

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey, Rick Wheeler, Edward Arthur, Gary Jackson and Ron Repp.

Main topic was a rate increase that we have been talking about for several months. We all feel that since we have not had an increase since we began, we should take a small increase now rather than wait until problems arise and have to raise by a large amount.

Steps we must take according to our Attorney, Roger Lindsey:

Amend our present rate ordinance to raise rates.

Advertise in newspaper.

Have at least 3 hearings for the public.

Ron Repp, President, will put together a study after looking at other sewer systems and present at our next board meeting.

We now have 216 customers and 70 of these are minimum pay of $12.46.

Discussed delinquent accounts that will be sent to Roger.

Rick Wheeler discussed flow meter and valve problems that we are having repaired or restored to use.

November 17, 1997 6:30 PM

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Gary Jackson, Ron Repp and Edward Arthur.

Discussed delinquent accounts and normal ones past due. Some are paying as agreed.

New rates were discussed. We have not reached a conclusion, however we are leaning toward a 3 year plan-10%, 5%, 3% for 1998, 1999 and 2000.

Ron Repp will put together figures and perhaps we will call a special meeting in the next 2 weeks along with our Attorney to make final plans.

December 16, 1997 6:30 PM

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Rick Wheeler, Edward Arthur and Ron Repp.

Discussed our current permit that has just been advertised in the newspaper. Rick Wheeler questioned the item regarding testing of ammonia content. We do not have Equipment nor is it available locally. He is writing the state regarding this.

FMHA payment is due Jan. 1, 1998. Funds are in place for payment.

Flow meter and parts are in and should be installed by Jan. 1998.

Although our Attorney, Roger Lindsey, was not present, we voted to retain him for the year 1998 upon motion by Ed Arthur and second by Ron Repp. This was carried.

We are to check with Lindsey regarding the Harbin, Stout easement papers.