1996 Meeting Minutes

January 24, 1996  6:30 P.M

Those Present:  Carroll Steele, Gary Jackson, Homer Dixon, Edward Arthur and Ron Repp.

Our regular meeting was to be held Jan. 16, 1996. However, snow had drifted over our lane and we could not get to the office.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Past due accounts were discussed some, and our attorney was this date sending letters as he had been directed to do some weeks ago.

New rates were discussed. Gary Jackson is doing some costs estimated and we are to contact other sewer distracts to check their rates and discuss this again at our next months meeting.

All vouchers were read and approved.

Gary Jackson presented our budget for 1996. After due discussion, it was approved upon motion by Ed Arthur and second by C.T. Steele.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 7:30.

February 21, 1996  6:30 P.M.

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Gary Jackson, Ron Repp and Ed Arthur.

All vouchers were read and approved and signed.

Election of officers and board members was held. Gary Jackson was reelected for 4 years. Ron Repp was reelected President and C.T. Steele as Sec/Treas. This was on motion by C.T. Steele and second by Ron Repp.

Discussed past due accounts, ones that the attorney letters were sent to.

Discussed again rate increases, decided to table again until we’ve obtained more information from other districts and from our attorney. Also we are to call FMHA and get their views.

March 1996

We could not get a group to hold a meeting.

April 16, 1996  6:30 P.M.

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Ron Repp and Gary Jackson.

All Claims were read, approved and signed.

Discussed easement we have been trying to get for several months from Faye Stout so that we can put a tap in for Ron Repp property. All they have made is promises. Board decided to give the go ahead to our attorney Roger Lindsey to condemn property and proceed with what ever is necessary to get the job done.

Again discussed increasing our rates, however we still do not have the information from other sewer distracts for some idea on rates in general. This was again tabled.

Since our regular checking account is again over $25,000.00, we decided to purchase a $15,000.00 C.D.

May 21, 1996  8:00 P.M.

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp and Gary Jackson.

Discussed delinquent accounts and directed Gary Jackson to prepare a list and sent to Attorney Lindsey for collection letters.

Discussed the fact that the grass has not been cut this season. Will inform Homer to get it done.

Decided to close out the old construction checking account and deposit in savings account.

All claims were read and approved.

No further business, meeting adjourned.

June 18, 1996 6:30 P.M.

No meeting was held, due to not enough members.

July 17, 1996 7:30 P.M.

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp and Gary Jackson.

Discussed taps on property that has been torn down and cannot be rebuilt on. We need a legal opinion on this.

Our attorney Roger Lindsey was not available for this meeting due to heart surgery.

This will be discussed again at a later date.

We had our first stop up at the Ohio St. station last weekend, July 13, 1996.

It was caused by a customer flushing disposable diapers into the system. It was suggested that we send a letter to each customer “Warning” them against this.

Delinquent accounts were discussed.

Meeting adjourned.

September 18, 1996

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Edward Arthur, Ron Repp and Gary Jackson.

Bills were read and signed, with (1) exception: Four Quarters for fuel. We needed clarification as to the usage.

Discussed our idea, we not charge a minimum tap charge monthly where a building has been torn down, but make them pay a new tap fee if they ever rebuild. We need to discuss this with our attorney, Roger Lindsey.

Discussed some past due accounts.

Decided to purchase another C.D. as we have some excess funds of $10,000.00.

October 15, 1996 6:30 P.M.

Those Present: Carroll Steele and Gary Jackson.

We waited until 6:55 and did not get a corium.

We did look the plant site over and found it in good shape. Homer was trimming the pump we just had repaired, and it is still not running properly. He is to take it back to Davis.

November 20, 1996

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Roger Lindsey, Edward Arthur, Gary Jackson and Ron Repp.

Discussed our audit for 1994 and 1995 by the State Board of Accounts.

Mr. Illinger, our auditor, also informed us that unless our past due bill was paid, it was going to be sent to the State Attorney General Office.  After due discussion and on motion by C.T. Steele and second by Ed Arthur, we voted to pay this bill in the amount of $7,212.00. Our attorney advised it be sent certified mail, request return receipt.

Discussed Homer Dixon and his attitude toward certain parts of his job and letter from IDEM regarding his testing and the fact that his tests are not correct or being done properly.

We have been trying to get Mrs. Faye Stout to give easement for a line to Ron Repp property for several years, since 1992. They discussed and discussed and made many promises, but still no easement. After due discussion it was decided to hire David Lewis, attorney, to file suit for Eminent Domain. However, it was decided to give her one more chance to give easement without suit. Mr. Lewis fee is to be $80.00 hr plus expenses.

.During all this discussion, Ron Repp, whose property is involved, abstained from discussion and voting on this resolution.

This resolution was passed upon motion by Gary Jackson, second by Ed Arthur and a yes vote by C.T. Steele. It was passed.

Roger Lindsey’s attorney contract for 1997 was discussed. After much discussion regarding some problems we have had in 1996, very minor ones, attendance etc., we voted to again to retain Mr. Lindsey. This was on motion by C.T. Steele and second by Ed Arthur. It was passed.

December 12, 1996

7:30 A.M.

Special Meeting

Those Present: Carroll Steele, Ron Repp, Edward Arthur, K. Stephen Illingworth and Gary Jackson.

This was a called meeting to hear a report from Mr. Stephen Illingworth, from the State Board of Accounts, regarding the audit he had just concluded.

Items he informed us we needed to do or correct.

Conflict of interest forms for Patty Jackson and Patsy Steele need to be filed each year at the County Clerks office and a copy sent to the State Board of Accounts.

Need an official Bond to cover the treasurer for amount equal to the annual receipts plus 10% or approximately $75,000.00 renewable each year and recorded in the County Recorders office.

Need contracts for Patty Jackson, Pat Steele and Homer Dixon spelling out their responsibilities.

Need to be using prescribed forms for bookkeeping.

Need to locate our “Fixed Assets Inventory” for the plant site and lift stations showing our costs to build, etc.